Friday, November 1, 2013

Animal Farm by George Orwell 1945 page 01 to page 14

This is a classic political satire written by a British, George Orwell 1945, about a decade ago before Malaysia attained independence in 1957. This book is well written in a creative way by using farm animals as the characters to depict the gradual power corrupt for a new government in power. I think, at that time, 40s and 50s, the political upheavals are mainly on the fight of socialists, mainly Communist and the west colonisations on the third countries, and British lost its appetite on her colonies elsewhere globally, The empire of British was giving away her grips on the colonies, independence to the colonies with the hope to form nations with democratic processes, towards Commonwealth.

Even though, the threats that posed by the communism is diminishing nowadays, somehow, the power corrupts do happen from time to time till today.

I read this book in my Maktab time, Maktab Perguruan Kuala Terengganu, Batu Rakit, 1988 taught and inspired by my English lecturer, Miss Doris.

Here, in my personal blog, I would prefer to upload the original book snapped by camera. Old and yellowish books are good to read, good to hold and flip upon, with the seasoned musty smell which sticks and lingers in your fingers aftermath make reading a special thing to do,  but the constrain of space in my house and the lack of time for me to care for the old books hinder me to keep them forever in my cupboard. Books donation or give away to those who really need them become a virtue in my life.

Sudden idea stroke my mind, to share the good reading materials across the world by using blog. Shared reading is precious, even in the virtual environment. The chances to get together and read something meaningful in-person nowadays are rare and seem to be impossible to carry out. Television, on line internet computer and video games rule each of every family life in the modern world, sad to see this unavoidable thing happen to all of us.

Mr. Jones, tuan punya ladang ternakan, telah menutupkan reban-reban ayamnya apabila malam menjelang tiba, tetapi dia masih kemabukan yang amat sangat , sehingga lupa menguncikan manga. Dia mengheretkan langkah-langkah kakinya, dengan iringan cahaya lampu bimbitnya yang berhuyung-hayang ke sana ke mari, menanggalkan kasut butnya dan menendangkannya ke belakang pintu, mengisi penuh segelas bir yang terakhir daripada tong kayu dalam bilik araknya, berjalan sambil meneguk habis bir tersebut, berjalan ke bilik tidurnya, dalam bilik tidurnya yang terlantarnya Mrs. Jones, isterinya terlena tidur berdengkur.

Apabila lampu bilik tidur dipadamkan, suasana di dalam ladang kebun menjadi riuh dan kecoh dengan bunyi berkepak-kepak. Siang hari tadi, khabar angin yang ada hubung kait dengan Old Major, seekor babi putih induk yang pernah memenangi pelbagai hadiah dan anugerah, telah dibelai mimpi luar biasa, berhasrat menyampaikan kandungan mimpinya kepada semua penghuni ladang. Sebelum ini telah dipersetujui bahawa satu perhimpunan di bangsal akan diadakan selepas Mr. Jones telah selamat pergi dari situ.

Below is the full length animated video on Animal Farm. Animated video is good for us to get a glimpse of actual plots and events in the story, reading the original text is more important than others, because of its authenticity and for the sack of language acquirement. So, read and do not indulge in any video games and animations.

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