Thursday, August 6, 2015

lunch box

Some dedicated parents, who are having ample of time in the morning or before bed, came out with lot of ideas of lunch box food. Here are the collections of lunch box food found in my facebook and I think I must share them across my blog as it will be more secured and easily be accessed when the right time and right mood come to us at the sudden moment to prepare for lunch box food for children and even, ourselves.

Happiness is everywhere, and can be derived from the daily chores, at times we think trivial.

There are about 150 lunch box food as suggested, it is a great source of inspiration for someone with lovely children, to prepare something simple, delicious and rich in calories.

However, personally speaking , some suggested lunch box food are not nutritious as they contain processed food such as sausages and packet-food, but they are extremely convenient for parents to just pack in their lunch box as ala-carte or 'junkfood' as you can call it.

Most of the ingredients can be obtained locally, Malaysian market places.  Please visit my Facebook for more details, the author and the commentators' points of view.

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